Hi all, Microsoft provide 3 currency Exchange rate providers, With these provider we get latest currency Exchange rates in Dynamics 365 for finance and operations. These exchange rates used when We required transactions in different currencies. In the current web cast I used one of Exchange rate provider get latest exchange rates. Its works excellent in my local laptop hosted VM. My English is improving day by day so bear with me.
Fix Certificate Issues on Development Machines Dyn365FO Dynamics 365 for finance and operations.
Today I got issue on my Dev vm hosted in local environment. Some certificate was expired.

open windows menu
Certificates – Local Computer > Personal > Certificates.
And find expired certificate

Open these certificate and copy thumbprints in Notepad ++
Open PowerShell with run as administrator and generate new clone certificates
Set-Location -Path “cert:\LocalMachine\My”
$OldCert = (Get-ChildItem -Path F79C64B7CD90911328818A2B10DF8BDA2736CC8E)
New-SelfSignedCertificate -CloneCert $OldCert -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddMonths(999)
My notepad++ files look like similar after copy paste new thumbprints

Then open following three files form C:\AOSService\webroot:
- web.config
- wif.config
- wif.services.config
Search old thumbprints with new one.
Save and restart the machine.
After reboot, Successfully login
More detail article which helps me by