What a difference between RunBase and RunBaseBatch.
RunBase is used to create dialog. While runBaseBatch can be used to set dialog box as batch job.
Today I have a simple tip. that help you to create a input box to get values. this class will create a dialog box. You can use this to replace your runable class logic.
class RequestCopyJob extends RunBase
DialogField fieldInvoice;
DialogField fieldName;
// Variables to store user input
CustomerInvoiceId _InvoiceId;
// pack() and unpack() methods are used to load the last value from user
// for our simple example we are not going to use them.
public container pack()
return conNull();
public boolean unpack(container packedClass)
return true;
public Object dialog()
Dialog dialog = super();
// Set a title for dialog
dialog.caption( ‘Simple Dialog’);
// Add a new field to Dialog
fieldInvoice = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(DSACustomerInvoiceId), ‘Invoice’);
return dialog;
public boolean getFromDialog()
_InvoiceId = fieldInvoice.value();
return super();
public void run()
// Set Dialog field value to find CustTable
EInvoiceServiceRequests _EInvoiceServiceRequest;
select forupdate * from _EInvoiceServiceRequest where _EInvoiceServiceRequest.CustomerInvoiceId ==_InvoiceId;
_EInvoiceServiceRequest.ResponseStatus = ServiceStatus::SUCCESS;
public static void main(Args _args)
RequestCopyJob Job = new RequestCopyJob();
// Prompt the dialog, if user clicks in OK it returns true
if (Job.prompt())