Small tip today
str myJson = FormJsonSerializer::serializeClass(sContract);
myJson = strReplace(myJson,":"",",": null,");
return myJson;
Like this
A practitioner’s musings on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
by alirazazaidi
Small tip today
str myJson = FormJsonSerializer::serializeClass(sContract);
myJson = strReplace(myJson,":"",",": null,");
return myJson;
Like this
by alirazazaidi
Version used 10.0.24
by alirazazaidi
by alirazazaidi
by alirazazaidi
Couple of days ago, I was helping a young developer. Who was doing some customization. He added some customization in PurchParmtable and want information in VendPackingSlipJour Table.
It was very strange that there is no direct relationship between vendPackingSlipJour and PurchParmTable.
After Exploring I found that There is ParmId field in VendPackingSlipVersion table.
And we can get VendPackingSlipVersion by static method with PurchId and PackingSlipId, DeliveryDate.
This ParmId has relation with PurchParmTable.
I wrote down following code snippet to get Value from PurchParmTable, with respect to VendPackingSlipVersion.
display real _netWeight() { PurchParmTable _purchParmTbl; parmid _id; _id=VendPackingSlipVersion::findFromInterCompanyPackingSlip((this.PurchId), (this.PackingSlipId),(this.DeliveryDate)).ParmId; select *from _purchParmTbl where _purchParmTbl.ParmId==_id; return _purchParmTbl.NetWeght; }
Hopes this help
by alirazazaidi
Today I have very small tip to share. I noted down, some odbc connection posts in my blog. All these post shares the code snippets , that used to open odbc connection and did query on SQL server directly. Couple of days ago, I need similar code snippet to read data from SQL server and Insert into another connect. But that code did not had reference to handling null values. So I note down that code snippet too, for future reference.
These all odbc connection , command return results in “ResultSet” class.
This ResultSet class has method “wasnull”. According to documentation, its behavior is strange. First we have to call the get method and then we call “WasNull” to verify that value appears is null or not.
So whole code snippet will be like.
public void run() { Connection Con = new Connection(); ResultSet R; str sql; Statement Stmt; SqlStatementExecutePermission permission; Real _RealValue; sql = "SELECT * FROM InventTrans "; Stmt = Con.createStatement(); permission = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sql); permission.assert(); R =Stmt.executeQuery(sql); while ( ) { _RealValue =R.getReal(1); if ( R.wasNull(1) ==boolean::false) { info (" Not null"); } Else { Info (" Null "); } } CodeAccessPermission::revertAssert(); }
by alirazazaidi
Today I face the very strange behavior of X++ code.
We develop customization. We generate transfer and issuance through X++.
Logic was very simple,If stock is available then transfer / Issuance or Adjustment journal create otherwise generate error message, We took this decision based of query on Inventsum. It works fine in most of cases but In one case when stock is zero it fails. We create Movement Journal to generate stock in that Item variant. The select query always return Zero stock in posted quantity. Even I get the recid in debug mode and placed in table explorer, Quantity is available in table explore.
This case occurs when got Zero stock in Inventsum table and we try to increase stock by movement journal, other wise select on InventSum works fine.
The query will be very similar
Select * from InventSum where Inventsum.ItemId == line.ItemId && inventSum.invetdimId == line.fromInventiDimId;
This will not work. Even Db synch, Inc Cil, Cache clear done, even Restart the Test server AOS.
I have to switch code from select query to Class InventOnhand. Very similar to following.
InventOnHand inventOnhand
InventDim InventDim;
InventDimParm inventDimParm;
inventOnHand = InventOnhand::newParameters(_line.Itemid,_line.FromInventDimId,inventDimParm);
If (inventOnHand.availPhysical() > _line.RequestedQty)
Info( ” Quantity Avalible “);
Info (” Not available “);
Its works perfectly fine. I think InventonHand class is better the do direct query on Inventsum table.
by alirazazaidi
There is again small tips. Let me share you again scenario. Suppose you have to show customer Sale With customer group level. And group footer want to sum of Sales of that group. Now requirement is that customer with certain sub classification will skip in group sum. For example those customer who are on hold or blocked will not shown in report group sum, but shown in report detail
I was developing RDP based reports. So I add a int field in table. So I can mark specific record need to skip at group level sum.
I update the following SSRS expression to skip certain records at group level.
=Sum(iif(Fields!Flag.Value= 0, Cdbl(Fields!Value.Value), 0.0),”Group Name”)
by alirazazaidi
If we consider the following code snippet.
CustSalesQty _temp1,_temp2;
_temp1.CustAccount =”Cust00001″;
_temp1.CustAccount =”Cust00003″;
while select * from _temp1
while select * from _temp2
info( ” _temp2 with ” + _temp2.CustAccount + ” ” + int2Str(_temp2.IntQty));
You can check that when we insert the temp1.inQTY=200, We did not set Customer account. At result record new record will insert with customer Cust00001 . You can see output of above code
Point is simple, We need to initialize the table before populate for next values. I found this scenario in custom Inventory reports. When we populate data in different fields based on issue status.
You can set initialized values after ate in side query execution loop. But that piece of code belongs to specific location.
Microsoft provide the out of the box base initValue method. You can add this method by following way.
Best practices says you have to initialize value in this method. And call this method with table reference. This way initialization is table dependent not class dependent.
So we can over write the code as follow
public class CustSalesQty extends common
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void initValue()
this.IntQty =0;
this.CustAccount =””;
Now above code snippet will works as
class Job123
/// <summary>
/// Runs the class with the specified arguments.
/// </summary>
/// <param name = “_args”>The specified arguments.</param>
public static void main(Args _args)
CustSalesQty _temp1,_temp2;
_temp1.CustAccount =”Cust00001″;
// _temp1.CustAccount =”Cust00002″;
_temp1.CustAccount =”Cust00003″;
while select * from _temp1
while select * from _temp2
info( ” _temp2 with ” + _temp2.CustAccount + ” ” + int2Str(_temp2.IntQty));
by alirazazaidi
Yesterday I face a problem; some Ledger journal records are stuck into Workflow. In Error message, described about issues in customization. In the after last deployment code full cil was not generated. So first step is full Cil generation.
For resubmit these pending records, I used the code snippet delivered on Microsoft Forum by Dick wenning. It help me to resolve ledgers records.
WorkflowTrackingStatusTable WorkflowTrackingStatusTable;
while select WorkflowTrackingStatusTable where WorkflowTrackingStatusTable.TrackingStatus == WorkflowTrackingStatus::Faulted &&
WorkflowTrackingStatusTable.WorkflowType == WorkflowTrackingStatusWorkflowType::Workflow
I updated the code snippet based on reci id instead of all faulted records.
WorkflowTrackingStatusTable WorkflowTrackingStatusTable;
select * from WorkflowTrackingStatusTable where WorkflowTrackingStatusTable.RecId ==5637166344;
if (WorkflowTrackingStatusTable!=null)
You can get recid from workflow history screen.
But one record remains unrecoverable. For this I explored tables as follow.
If we explore workflow tables, you find that main player tables are
In workflowTrackingStatusTable ContexttableId feild contains the table id of ledgerjournaltable and contextrecid contains the records recid of ledgerjoural row on workflow is applied.
SysWorkflowTable correlation id is key relation between Sysworkflow.
In current scenario, when all records are recovered, but one record is not recoverable. The follow these steps, but you can use them but your own risk.
For your reference I used following Select query.
select from WorkflowTrackingStatusTable where CONTEXTRECID =5637239972
select * from WorkflowTrackingTable where WorkflowTrackingTable.WORKFLOWTRACKINGSTATUSTABLE =5637166344
select * from SysWorkflowTable where workflowcorrelationid =’D4AF23DF-9CC1-40F9-B886-DAB1CD6B35DE’