Hi and hello, everyone.
My personal knowledge management workflow is evolving. I’m a big fan of creating new notes in a predefined folder. These folders focus on specific topics. For instance, I can compose or annotate pre-existing notes on D365 Community or LinkedIn. However, the issue arises when you copy and paste or use a web clipper. And left unfinished or partially modified. These are not completed when you need them.
Best Practices says that you need to convert them into evergreen notes.
You can rewrite Evergeen notes into your own unique ideas or use them as automatic notes on a single topic or concept. You can read more about it at the following link.
The Evergreen Note is a finished product. For example, I copied the whole article from LinkedIn. That is from the topic of “Who to User Chain of Command Instead Event Handler.” I copied it into a designated folder. After that, it remained unchanged.
This is not my note. It is a reference note. What should I do? I made changes. Remove unnecessary points from it. Next, I will incorporate my personal experiences into it. Some people suggest that we must modify and rewrite it.
The end product moves into a specific folder.
Copying the entire article for future use is a good practice. Instead of searching the internet, you can find these references in your own note-taking app. You can use these references in your work and share them with your colleagues.
You cannot share or publish these articles on your blog. But the evergreen notes can be.
Remember the simple rule “Document Not Create”? Most of the time, people like me are not capable of creating something new. There is always inspiration.
This past weekend, when I began reviewing each folder, I discovered a significant number of incomplete notes.
So I decided to change my approach. I should move my modifications, rewrites, or final comments into a separate folder. This is the best practice.
I think there are two types of people. One type of person learns from others’ experiences by adhering to best practices or recommendations. The second individual gains knowledge through experience. In Sufi called this Marfat. This refers to the moment when practitioners begin to understand the rationale behind the rule’s creation, also known as best practices.
And third one who never learns.
The two note-taking methodologies, Mike Millo’s ACE framework and Tigo forte’s Para Method, both recommend these best practices.
Now I decided that all my new notes will go in folder “Inbox.”
As Obsidian is my core PKM software, here is a walkthrough to create a separate folder, and all notes go directly in that folder.
Click on Settings in Obsidian.
From setting page select the options select the files and links. following two settings need to update.
You can select Default location for new notes as “In the folder specified below”.
Second you can set your own folder name.
Third option you can set here is default location for new attachment.
In default setting in obsidian, you have to copy paste images from specific folder. and it shows and copied into Obsidian Vault.
Another best practices you can use that you have to built template. as I mentioned in my last post
You have to use Tags for category to identity your notes in your inbox folder.
You can use Tags for more detail identification for the category for note.
When each note is processed, You can move them into specific folder.
Hope you like this post.