While building Dynamics Ax 7 simple list page, I got following error on compiling.
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error Path: [AxForm/AXEarningCodeGroup/Design/Controls/Filtergrp]:Control ‘AxForm/AXEarningCodeGroup/Design/Controls/Filtergrp’ is missing child ‘Quick Filter’ required by pattern ‘Custom and Quick Filters’. CustomPayroll (USR) [CustomPayroll] C:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\ApplicationSuite\CustomPayroll1\AxForm\AXEarningCodeGroup.xml 0
In short
Design/Controls/Filtergrp’ is missing child ‘Quick Filter
Something different then Dynamics Ax 2012. Yes, just right click on add a group and the add Quick Filter.
No other property I found, After solution compiled without any error.