This activity is not recommended, but most of the time, before go live , master data is configured on UAT server and rapidly used. And most of functional consultant do not want this activity on production. Due to time saving as well as they are too much busy on different projects. Any how we can do this. There was no option available directly deploy or restore UAT database to production. For this we have to create service request to Microsoft. This is step by step guide.
So first step is to login into LCS and then open your project
From project detail form click on create new service
From Service request window. Go to service request and click on add new
From popup select Sandbox to production
Next window you have to select the time. Sandbox source and prefer down time.
At least 4 hours from the creation of service request and 5 hours minimum downtime required
Check all check boxes for agreed after that submit button will enabled .click on submit for Microsoft request.
They reserve downtime for 5 hours but 90 percent deployment will complete with in couple of hours.