Add Financial dimension to Customer/Vender with X++ Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
The field with ID ‘0’ does not exist in table Dynamics 365 For finance and operations
Hi all, I face this error, while extended existing custom report. I added some fields in temp table, after update logic in dp class, On report data set update.
But at run time report shows this error. While debugging the code, I found the error occur on mapping the new fields in temp table.
Solution :
I build the whole model. After that error was removed.
An error occurred during report data sets execution D365 For finance and operations
How to copy financial dimension form one object to other. Dynamics 365 For finance and operations
Hi all, In some cases we can need to copy financial dimension from one object to other for example Customer to Sales order or Vendor to purchase order.
In Ax 2012 it little easy. But in D365 For finance and operations, it is little bit tricky.
I did this with following code snippet. With the help of out of box. LedgerDimensonDefaultFacade class i used the merge default dimension method and passed same table dimension in form and to dimension.
Result is interesting.
salestable.DefaultDimension= LedgerDimensionDefaultFacade::serviceMergeDefaultDimensions(CustTable.DefaultDimension,CustTable.DefaultDimension);
Calling menu name in Extensions Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
In Ax 2012 we get menu name with element.Args().CallMenu name, using taking decision on menu name.
But same logic we need to apply in Extension. But in D365 For finance and operations we did not overlay. Following code snippet helps me to implement similar logic in Extension.
final class IaLogisticsContactInfoGrid_Extension
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name=”sender”></param>
/// <param name=”e”></param>
[FormEventHandler(formStr(LogisticsContactInfoGrid), FormEventType::Initialized)]
public static void LogisticsContactInfoGrid_OnInitialized(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
FormRun formRun = sender;
Paging in Query X++ Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
For paging in X++ Query. There are three steps required. Rest of Query Code is same.
We have to set following things in Query data source
- Set Sort field in Query data Source.
- Paging position property of QueryRun is set to true.
- Add page range with starting position and number of records in QueryRun
Here is code snippet
QueryBuildRange qbr,qbrStartDate,qbrEndDate;
QueryBuildDataSource qbd;
IAPageSize EnumPageSize;QueryRun qr;
Query query = new Query();
Int pageSize = 2;
qbd = query.addDataSource(TableNum(ProjPlanVersion));
qbd.addOrderByField(fieldNum(ProjPlanVersion,HierarchyId));qr = new QueryRun(query);
CurrentPageNumber =1;
startingposition = CurrentPageNumber * pagesize;
qr.addPageRange(startingposition, totalRows);
Info (“”);
How to capture Fiddler logs for Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
Here is another tip, how to capture for Finance and operations. You can download fiddlerCap from below link
Data source filter using extension Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
Hi every one, Today I have very small tip. During customization we need to add filters at run time. Specially in the case of inquiry forms. But Now we have to work with extension. Extensions are much more powerful then over layering.
So first one thing to copy Datasource OnQueryEXecuting event. And paste in Extension class.
The sample code snippet is here.
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(HcmDiscussion, HcmTopicRef), FormDataSourceEventType::QueryExecuting)]
public static void HcmTopicRef_OnQueryExecuting(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)
FormRun HcmDiscussionForm = sender.formRun();
sender.query().dataSourceName(sender.name()).addRange(fieldnum(HcmTopicRef, HeadingRefRecId)).value(queryValue(_heading.RecId));
error : Can’t start service W3SVC on computer ‘.’. Dynamics 365 for finance and operations.
I got error on My Dev box virtual machine. When I tried to restart AOS or IIS service.
I found that World wide web service is in stopping mode. Some reason it stuck. So I restart my machine.
AOS/ IIS works perfectly fine after restart. Basically two services need to run if you found this error
- IIS admin service.
- World wide web service